Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO2385
Veteran and Community Grants
The Australian Government is inviting organisations through an open, non-competitive process to apply for grant funding under the Veteran and Community Grants Program from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020.
The objective of the program is to maintain and improve the independence and quality of life for members of the Australian veteran community by providing funding for projects that sustain or enhance health and wellbeing.
The intended outcomes of the program are to:
Deliver projects that are sustainable, financially viable and have an ongoing benefit for members of the Australian veteran community; and
Deliver projects that increase opportunities for members of the Australian veteran community, associated with social activity and community participation and/or improve health behaviours and support healthy places.
Batching of assessment of applications
The Hub will divide the assessment of applications into four batches. Each batch will contain applications that have been submitted for the grant opportunity over a three month period. The table below identifies the cut-off dates for all four batches.
Batch |
Applications submitted by: |
1 |
6 June 2019 |
2 |
29 August 2019 |
3 |
28 November 2019 |
4 |
11:00pm AEDT 27 February 2020 |
*Please note: notional funding caps for each of the four application batches have been introduced to ensure funding remains available to support eligible applications submitted across the whole 2019-20 financial year
To be eligible you must be one of the following entity types:
Indigenous Corporation
Incorporated Association
Statutory Entity
Trustee on behalf of a Trust
- Unincorporated Association
Applications from consortia are acceptable, as long as you have a lead applicant who is solely accountable to the Commonwealth for the delivery of grant activities. Lead organisations of a consortium and Trustees must also be an eligible entity as per the list above.
You are not eligible to apply if you are one of the following:
Corporate Commonwealth Entity
Non-Corporate Commonwealth Entity
Non-Corporate Commonwealth Statutory Authority
Commonwealth Company
Corporate State or Territory Entity
Non-corporate State or Territory Entity
Non-corporate State or Territory Statutory Authority
Local Government
International Entity
Sole Trader
- Person
Please Note: The above list is not definitive. If your entity type is not listed in the list of eligible entity types above, you are not eligible to apply and your application will not be assessed.
To apply go to the application form here